Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bonner's Journal- Day 15. Freezer ordeal

January 29. Day 15
Freezer ordeal

After 15 days the kids & I finally got to attend our church in Madera. This is the first time that we have been together, and been back at home since the night of the Insult. The kids and I were so excited to see the group of Believers that we moved to Madera to be with, just six years ago. Words cannot express how much our family has grown since we have been under solid biblical teaching. I am not the same man I used to be.

Our church body showed such loving concern for my family and I. They showed their true colors. If I know one thing, they have been warring in prayer and praise for my family for the past two weeks!

How can I ever tell these special people how much the love of God through them has kept my mind and emotions from collapsing? 

After church a young child named Andrew approached me. He calmly informed me that God had given him a message for us. He explained that God told him that if we would pray in tongues for an hour or so that we would see a drastic change in Hannah's progress. Knowing the kind of biblical training that our church provides our children, I was not surprised at his spiritual maturity...but I chuckled with delight that God would use a young boy to deliver such an important message. Jesus said that, "unless you become like a child you cannot even SEE the kingdom of God." I will remember the direction of the Lord, sent from this little on.

The kids and I went home after church to get a few things from our home. When I opened the garage door the most rotten smell came flowing out to greet us! "What is that smell", one of the kids exclaimed, "I think something died in here", said another. I was thankful we didn't find one of our cats in there.

Come to discover, the deep freeze freezer had been off for days and the rotting meat had oozed blood all over our garage. 

I almost had a meltdown.

It is laughable what life throws you sometimes. Whether it was Satan trying to add "one more straw" to the heavy burden I have been rejecting to carry...or just a twisted coincidence...I do not know. This one event, on top of everything else, was just too much for me to handle. I just stood there and twitched with frustration. Then I just loaded the kids in the car and walked away.

My rescue team arrived and cleaned every part of that ugly stinking mess. Mark, Mel, Jesse, Adam , David , Liz , Lisa & Craig cleaned all of it, and I am so very grateful for their act of love. Wow! Such grace and love they showed my family.

On a good note:
The family got to visit Hannah today.
For everyone, there were many tears, and Gods presence was there to comfort. You could actually FEEL His peace.

Bodee had a dream that Hannah got out of bed and was dancing and singing

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! What a blessing it was to talk to you today Bonner. Thank you so much for your call...it was such a blessing to hear of Hannah's recovery. I heard the brokenness in your voice and my heart was so full of love and compassion for you and your family. Oh Merciful Lord...Continue to show your mercy, continue to fill Hannah with your peace and love continue to kiss her brow and comfort her as she sleeps... Envelop her with a new song of praise a new song of thanksgiving that goes beyond circumstances. A song that is a fragrant offering to you, Oh Lord!! Bless your Holy name for you are worthy of praise. You are the sustainer of Hannah's life and the lifter of her head. You feel her pain and you will walk with her through it. You see her in the night and you have a plan... a plan to prosper her and give her a hope...not to harm her. You are building in Hannah faith that will never fail. You are building a love that will never end. You are the Faithful lover of her Soul. Thank my Jesus! Thank You my Lord that you walk with us through every valley. You will uphold Hannah with your right arm. Hannah is surrounded by a great host of witnesses. She is not alone. Thank You Holy Spirit for your comfort in Jesus Name! Amen.

    I love the smiles and the testimony of good days ahead. Love Mike Kristi Tim Katelyn and Jeremy
