Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bonner's Journal-Day 17. Losing Ground?

January 31. Day 17
Losing ground?

Excruciating morning.

Everything Hannah does requires a major process of effort, due to the effects of the spinal cord injury.
This morning her bladder did not empty enough, even after using the new toilet/shower wheelchair that they provided to make the bathroom experience more effective. The nurse had to insert a temporary catheter to empty her bladder, because she could not go through a morning of therapy with it full. This procedure was very painful. It was also frustrating for her that she wasn't seeing proper bladder function, and it seemed to her that she was losing ground. Seeing her pain was too much for me to handle.
I wept.

Sometimes, for a brief moment, I catch myself wondering, "How are we ever going to make it?"

Then I realize that our faith is not "human logic". The only source of faith we have is from the promises God gives to mankind in the Bible. Bible faith is believing what God has said, and it often goes against human reason and logic. We know that the usual stream of things in this life is fear, curse, lack, decay and death....but we are running upstream!

Reason and logic that comes from man kills faith, but hearing what God says about certain details brings life-filled faith. By continual study of the "good book" we have learned to refuse the force of fear, which controls man's usual reasoning methods...and we have launched out on an adventure of faith. We have gone beyond learning bible stories, to using bible POWER.

We have learned to reject anything that reduces our faith and brings fear upon us. Faith is a creative force, fear is a destructive force. We choose to live in the character of God, which brings faith. After all, are not we called "the children of God?" He calls me His son!

 The PT staff said that in all their years they have never seen anyone progress so quickly from a fresh SC injury to standing as Hannah.

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. (Proverbs 4:20-22)

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