Monday, October 21, 2013

Bonner's Journal- Day 45. Released from fasting!

Feb 28. Day 45. 36th day of rehab.  

Today I was released from my complete fast.

I had set myself for 21 days of a complete fast (nothing but liquid) for my wife's healing. 21 days to the day turned out to be the our church's annual "camp meeting" (a week of gatherings each day & night). I was determined to see her healed and out of the hospital for that event...

However, I feel the weight of burden removed. I no longer feel the need to fast for her recovery! I am not excited that the fast is over...I am excited that my fast was effective!

God spoke through a Christian sister on Facebook a strong prophetic message to me " I have honored your requests". 

Hallelujah ! My fasting and prayers have reached heavens throne! My giving, praying and fasting have brought an answer from the Father.
I know this is similar to God speaking to Daniel through an angel: "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them." (Daniel 10:12 NIV)

I know that victory is ahead!

 I feel a release of peace. I no longer have a burden to intercede for my marriage, our families promotion and our callings.
 I feel a burden to continue a restricted diet as I hold up our church body, the ministers coming to camp meeting, our city & county and country.

Bonner's Journal-Day 44. Using make-up again

Day 44. 35th day of rehab

Hannah had a small victory today. She was able to apply some makeup today, and brush her own teeth with the assistance of a flat board for her to lean her elbows on! Seems like a small thing to those of us who have full mobility...but to someone coming out of a month of paralysis, this is a MAJOR accomplishment.

Today's therapy was all balance and core stability work. Being a full time "personal trainer" for my football team has given me a level of respect for my precious bride. She is really working hard. I know how hard this must be for her.

Once, when she was in the kneeling lunge position she felt overwhelmed...being that her body was sending mixed messages... and she had a few small panic attacks...but I'm proud of her!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bonner's Journal- Day 43. A decision of increase

Sun 26. Day 43. 34 days in rehab. 10th day of the fast.

After 34 days of living in the rehab center...and 10 days of fasting and prayer...
Hannah and I discussed an important understanding about our current and future state. 

We have made a decision to not accept one moment of decrease in what God has planned for our lives. Do we have to make an adjustment to a new outlook? Yes. 

Are we losing ground in our talents and gifts? Never!

We discussed that TODAY we are more prepared to help people in our area of profession than we ever have been, not tomorrow... Or a 
Month from now... Or a year from now. We refuse to lose, in any way.
We decide to increase in every aspect of our lives... Our faith, our emotions, our bodies, our relationships, our marriage, our finances, our profession, our children, our church body, our standing in the community we serve.
Scripture says that the gifts of God, and the call He has on our lives, He will not take back. 
So we are just as equipped to be loving leaders as we have ever been. I am more ready to be a head coach TODAY, right NOW, than I was before the enemy tried to kill my wife and steal from my family and I.
My wife is more able THIS DAY to serve in her profession, giving people joy and memorable experiences, than she was before her battle against paralysis.
We are determined to not back off. 
Our statement:
We are going to love more. We are going to give more. We are going to pray more. We are going to fast more. We are going to praise more. We are going to help more. We are going smile more. We are going to cry more. We are going to share the anchor of hope we have more. We are going to trust fellow Christians more. We are going to trust God more.

Bonner's Journal-day 42. Wait means anticipate

 Sat 25. Day 42. 

These weekends without Hannah have been a new challenge.

Even though I am not with Hannah in body, I am one with her in spirit. 
Another day of waiting. 

My Understanding of the concept of waiting is not just a worthless killing of time in some passive mental state of mind. Waiting is the same as HOPE. Waiting has great anticipation. Because our current waiting is on God, and not on what He can do for us, it is whole and complete.

I wait for the Lord, I expectantly wait, and in His word do I
                hope. (Psalm 130:5 AMP)

Bonner's Journal-Day 41. Noodle arms?

Fri 24. Day 41. 32 days in rehab. 8 days of fasting. 

Today the doctor told Hannah "when I first saw your lack of arm strength, they were like noodles, and I was really scared. But now I see how much progress you have made and I am amazed. Whatever you  have been doing keep doing it."

Hannah had a really tough morning. She almost fell off the bed, had to call for several nurses to run into her room, and realized the dangers of her current spasticity. This resulted in a enduring battle within her mind and emotions for most of the evening.

HOWEVER, she has reported that she "started a new beginning today". She said that something was different in her body today when walking. The PT took her outside for the first time, she walked unassisted with her walker, and she felt for the first time that she was doing the walking and not just her body going through the motions! Hallelujah !

Bonner's Journal-Day 40. A week of fasting

Thurs 23. Day 40. 31 days of rehab. 7th day of my fast.

Over the past month of rehab I have seen numerous patients come into this rehabilitation facility... and then leave. My heart has ached for their pain and suffering as I have watched them struggle to regain their lives back, just like Hannah. I have observed their fight , and have been silently  engaged as their cheerleader moments I've been absolutely filled with compassion.

What would be a normally frustrating fact , that we are not yet seeing full healing as we expect each morning, has been a hidden blessing. We haven't gone home  yet, but so many around us has played games in my mind. 

Patience Bonner ! Let patience have its perfect work, so that I may be complete, lacking nothing.
This "live in" therapy is a grind, but a necessity for her future wellness. Intensive training , all day, 6 days a week. God is obviously  on a different timeline. He is Lord of the harvest.