Feb 28. Day 45. 36th day of rehab.
Today I was released from my complete fast.
I had set myself for 21 days of a complete fast (nothing but liquid) for my wife's healing. 21 days to the day turned out to be the our church's annual "camp meeting" (a week of gatherings each day & night). I was determined to see her healed and out of the hospital for that event...
However, I feel the weight of burden removed. I no longer feel the need to fast for her recovery! I am not excited that the fast is over...I am excited that my fast was effective!
God spoke through a Christian sister on Facebook a strong prophetic message to me " I have honored your requests".
Hallelujah ! My fasting and prayers have reached heavens throne! My giving, praying and fasting have brought an answer from the Father.
I know this is similar to God speaking to Daniel through an angel: "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them." (Daniel 10:12 NIV)I know that victory is ahead!
I feel a release of peace. I no longer have a burden to intercede for my marriage, our families promotion and our callings.
I feel a burden to continue a restricted diet as I hold up our church body, the ministers coming to camp meeting, our city & county and country.
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