February15. Day 32
Thank you Lord for making
repairs on our life...Physical repairs, Mental repairs and repairs to our relationships. Repairs that are necessary for survival.
As it is with so many people, the enemy has taken illegal residence in our life. He has cleverly worked his way into the way we think, the way we talk, the habits we have, the decisions we make...so that we cannot defend ourselves against his attacks on our own, without the help of God.
I hate the devil so much, because he is so good at destroying lives. Just look at the amount of evil, perversion and injustice that has filled our world. It is so obvious that there is something terribly wrong! We have an enemy. Whether you see him or not is the clincher.
"God is in control"...people say. But that statement is not completely true. God is NOT in control over all things on this earth and the things that are happening here. If He were in control He is doing a lousy job! NO, people are in control of their life, and they make decisions every day that ruin their life and many others! They are deceived, trapped and blinded into life destroying decisions...by their invisible enemy, Satan.
God has delegated dominion and authority on earth to humans...He is not a thief, He is not going to take back what He has given to us. He has given us all the ammunition we need to overcome everything that this horrible world could throw at us... in His simple little book. Every single answer is there for every person on earth to have total victory.
Why don't you read it?
God is not some puppet master in the sky who decided to smash Hannah head on in a car wreck to teach her a lesson. He was not in control of that car...however He DOES get involved when we ask Him! Because we invited Him into our life, He was involved in protecting Hannah...in protecting my marriage...in protecting my children's future...in protecting our impact on this world.
He can only help those who invite Him. He can only assist those who ask for it. He is a gentlemen...He doesn't barge His way into your life. He must be asked. Isn't that what you would want? Don't you want people to invite you into their friendship?
In Matthew 6:9-10 Jesus tells us what we should expect here on earth. He tells us to EXPECT HEAVEN ON EARTH. What does heaven look like? Do people go paralyzed? Do people have trouble walking? Are people in pain? Are people sad and depressed?
No, they are not...and we shouldn't be either. We are to pray that our lives on earth will mimic what it looks like in heaven!
I want to live in His heavenly will, right now. So I give God control. He has permission to take full control over the Cunning's life. I relinquish all control, and hand it over to Him. I am learning the hard way that I cannot control my life.
Are you smart enough to relinquish control?
Hannah, You are a true testament to God's love! I was horrified to read that you were in this terrible accident. What an inspiration! God has blessed your family! I will keep you all in my prayers that he continues to shower you all with his love. Jill Satterfield, (Earl & Courtney's mom)