Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bonner's Journal-Day 34. The fast begins

February 17. Day 34
 Learning to walk all over again

God has pressed the restart button on our lives. 

New Beginnings is upon us. 

Plow deeply Lord! Tear up that which is hardened against you.

Today I began a 21 day liquid fast for Hannah, for our family and for the call of God on our lives. 
Jesus said, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

I am one of those He is describing. This passage is describing where Bonner Cunnings is in his life right now. I am HUNGRY for God's plan. I THIRST for His way of living. I desire His correction, teaching and equipping more than food!
The kids also began a fast today for Hannah. I am amazed at the maturity level of my young family. I have never heard of children who would skip meals so that they could press God for their needs. I am so proud of them. They are learning to be conquerors.
I am fasting from food because I need to know the right way to go with our life. We came too close to death for me to just shrug this off. I have had my reality check.

I cannot be confused about the future choices that lie ahead.

I am refusing all food, seeking God's face and trusting that He is guiding me. Because fasting is something that Jesus said to do, I know that I am correct in using this form of concentration to clearly see the direction for my family. 

The children and I prayed a prayer of agreement (Matthew 18:19) that she will have gained everything she needs in her soul from the Lord, she will have gained everything she needs in her body from therapy, and be released in time to be at our churches yearly camp meeting.

Her therapy today presented a challenge, that proved to shake her to the core of her soul. The simple task of  stepping onto a small box was overwhelming, causing her to break down with weeping. I got a small glimpse of how much of a test this entire journey is on her mind, will and emotions.

Oh God, have your glory in my wife! Strengthen her for the battle you have assigned to her in the future.

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