January 30. Day 16
Demonic attack
We have had some very difficult nights.
There is little room for Hannah to sleep, which has had a damaging effect on her progress. She has had a very difficult time during the day sessions because she has had so little sleep at night. Now that she is off the catheter we are having to continually wake up to use the bedpan, and the nurses come in every couple of hours to "adjust" her because they fear that she will get bed sores.
But last night was exceptionally difficult. Both of us awoke with extremely evil fear-filled nightmares. I cannot safely describe how disgustingly evil the dreams were that Hannah and I both experienced. Having "been down this road before" we knew that these were not just the usual bad dream feelings that leave someone uneasy when they awake.
There was a literal evil presence in our room. It was such a choking degree of oppressive fear that I immediately cried out "JESUS" in a plea for help, as I was jerked from sleep. With the hair on my arms standing on end, and the overwhelming degree of fear that was gripping us, I knew that we were being attack by evil spirits. I immediately recognized them as a spirit of suicide and a spirit of fear. I also knew in that instant that they were familiar spirits with the hospital, who had been tormenting people there for many years.
Having dealt with evil spirits on several occasions over the years, I knew exactly what to do.
At first, it was defense.
Maintaining a stable mind in the presence of such filthy evil and fear...I began to thank God for His victory over all the power of Satan. Hannah and I thanked God for defeating the enemy, and stripping him of all power to harm us. We worshiped the Father for our rights as children of God, using scripture after scripture as our source of truth.
But then, I went on the offense.
I felt commanding power and I began to take full authority over our room, the 6th floor, and the
hospital...all in the power that belongs to me, in Jesus. Again using the promises found in the Bible, I became righteously angry. I utilized my full rights as the King's son and demanded the demons that had come to torment us to leave, and never return. I continued to protect the hospital patients that were there around us.
We then spent an hour or so praying and
worshiping in other tongues. We continued to use the powerful gift of tongues, that the Holy Spirit has given the body of Christ, until we found victory. I knew that we had won, because peace had replaced fear.
It was at this moment that God reminded me of the message that little Andrew had delivered to me the day before at church (see day 15 journal entry). That innocent, but powerful young boy, was God's messenger. It really settled in heavy on me. That child heard the voice of God, took the time to locate me after the service, and then had the courage to deliver the message to me!
A message that delivered us from a demonic attack. I will never again underestimate what young children can do in God.

Today was Hannah's first visit outside. We enjoyed coffee
and a scone together. Precious moment.
We are doing everything
we can to not become "problem minded", but to become "solution
minded". After having a night like last night we recognize the
propensity in human nature to be overwhelmed. But we know that we are
entitled by Gods favor.
We have made a covenant promise with Him,
because He first made a covenant promise with us. He shows His kids
preferential treatment, therefore what is normally impossible, is
possible for us. He opens doors, that man says cannot be opened. He
changed the very rules of this universe for us, so whatever the
circumstance He will turn our adversity into a victory.
This may sound
"cocky", but that is how a child speaks about his daddy. He knows his
daddy loves him, and that his daddy is the toughest guy on the block who
won't let a bully come in and hurt his kid.
God has a plan for our
No matter what... no devil, or any man, can keep us from that
God positioned us.
God has promoted us.
God is backing
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord
delivereth him out of them all." (Psalm 34:19 KJV)