Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bonner's Journal-Day 22. Our Cross

February 5, Day 22
God please help

Had a very rough night. Woke at 2 am with  bowel pains and eventually a movement. It took until 3:30 to complete the process and settle in to go back to sleep. She finally began medicine today to combat the bladder infection that she has battled for the past 3 weeks, which has stolen our sleep as well. Some times I feel like am going to break.

This is very trying on our patience; she is constantly trying to find a pain free position...and I am continually trying to help her escape the agony. She can't move an inch without me doing it. I am miserable, but I cannot imagine how much worse she has it. She cannot even move her own body. Talk about feeling trapped.

Had a refreshing time at church this morning. The Lord showed me that the cross was a trap that the enemy fell into. Satan thought he was so clever and had the Son of God destroyed, but actually his murder of Jesus ended up in explosive life that saved the world!

So it is with Hannah's situation! He tried to kill my wife...flat out. But the devil's weak attempts on our life are going to bring more people towards the One true God of Love than he can handle. I refuse for it to be any other way.

Did the enemy of man think we would give up and go away quietly? That I would fold under the pressure and turn away from God? Did Satan think I would fall for the common "blame it on God" trap? Not a chance. I am giving MORE of myself to the great healer...because Jesus is my only hope anyway. I lean EVERYTHING on the promises that God has given to me personally. I go further in Jesus than I ever did before. God has been so good to me thus far, why would He stop being amazing to me now?
Stupid devil just drove me closer to the source of my help!
I also extremely enjoyed time with the kids during their weekly mommy visit. It has been a major challenge as a father to be the glue. I feel the necessity to travel and make every effort necessary to ensure Hannah and the kids well being, no matter how exhausted I am. Sometimes I wonder if I can make it. Does she realize how hard this is on me? Then again, do I realize how hard it is on her? Even further, do we realize how hard it is for our children? 

God please help.

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