Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bonner's Journal-Day 35. Planning our new life

February 18. Day 35

Today is the 2nd day of my fast. 
I am feeling strong and focused on the call of God on our marriage, children and upcoming ministry. Fighting hunger has prepared my heart for anything that God may want to do with us. 

God asked  "Whom shall I send?"... Isaiah said, "Here I am, send me!"

I say the same. 

I want to be used by Him. I want to be useful to my King. I willingly sacrifice ALL for your purposes, Lord.
We spent this entire Saturday planning and bringing order to our home. My aunt, our Nanni, the kids and I discussed over the course of seven hours, every aspect of our home life and how we are going to follow the spirit of wisdom and organization. God is clearly trimming our family back and building our lives on His solid foundation. We are seeing the beginnings of order.

What great thing does He have in store for us? How different is our future walk with Him, that He would completely restart our entire life? 

All involved intimately with our journey can see the hand of God on this new beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Bonnar, how are things? Would love an update on your beautiful wife!
