Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bonner's Journal-Day 10.1st day of Therapy

Tuesday January, 24. Day 10. 1st day of Therapy 

 Began physical therapy today

The team of therapist carefully transferred Hannah out of bed and into a wheelchair. I realized how "fragile" she is right now, and how completely helpless her body has become. She essentially can do NOTHING for herself. Gravity is just too much much resistance for her weak body to overcome.
The signals being sent to her muscles are not strong enough to move anything on her own, probably due to the swelling that is still on her cord.

Therapy was torture.

Hannah was a champ. I am so proud of my wife. She is the most determined, focused and committed lady I know. During the duration of today's excruciating tests and examinations I never heard her complain or ask to quit.

I do not mean to be crude with this next statement, but the reality of the process that she is overcoming in needs to be told. Due to the devastating effects of a spinal cord injury, added to the immense amounts of narcotics that the medical staff have had to administer to her, to combat the high levels of pain ...she has not had a bowel movement for 10 days. Today she had to endure the humiliating "bowel program". She is also on a catheter to capture her urine. Often the bladder's function is hindered, and sometimes destroyed, when the spinal cord is injured.
This reality has created for Hannah, and I, a new thankfulness for the often overlooked processes of the body. Using the restroom was always just something that happened, but now we see it in a completely different light. We are expecting a complete healing in this area, and are hoping that full sensation and control will be hers soon.

It is obvious that we are being assigned to a LIVE IN facility. This is not what I envisioned. My human interpretation of God's healing had her leaping out of bed days ago, however I can clearly see that God's timetable rarely matches ours.

I do not like what seems to be coming, but I refuse to miss His blessings because of my refusal to wait on Him.

We are obviously in a DIVINE DELAY.

 If God would have just handed us an instant healing we would have had no opportunity to walk by faith.

1 comment:

  1. Each day I read your blog and I am amazed at how God is working through this journey you are on and how he is revealing Himself to you, and to me. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I continue to keep you all in my prayers. With love, Ginger
